Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sexy Ghostbuster exposed my nerdiness

I was looking up Ghostbusters stuff today for fun (actually I'm secretly building a proton pack) and I stumbled on this image of a "Sexy Ghostbuster" costume.
The first thing I noticed on this chick was the fact that her Proton Pack was upside down. Does this make me any less of a man? Hell no. I would let her use my neutrona wand any day to bust some ghosts. She would of course need to be careful, lest she get "slimed."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Batman: Arkham Asylum mini-review

I think I'm still doing well in school. It's hard to tell sometimes. I had a long weekend filled with procrastinating and Batman: Arkham Asylum. So, I'll discuss that.

I have fallen in love with this game. Why? Because it is awesome. The story so far is that Batman has apprehended The Joker and brought him to Arkham Asylum.

Pretty standard stuff, right? WRONG!

Apparently, the clown prince of Gotham still has a few tricks up his sleeve and traps Batman within the walls of the asylum. The battle system is incredible, dare I say flawless? It flows beautifully and with each punch the Dark Knight lands into the heads of his foes you start to feel more and more like him. This game is not just about the sick beat downs though. It has a great story line, captivating realism within the environments, and some really inventive gameplay brought about by Batman's gadgets.

The character designs are what pulled me in right away. When Killer Croc walked past me as I proceeded into Arkham, I nearly crapped myself. If you think Croc is scary then you will tremble in fear (not really, but I'm new at this) at the sight of Scarecrow's redesign. I'm not terribly far into the game (18% completed so far) as I only bought the game a few days ago. I cannot wait to resume cracking skulls and cleaning up Gotham City one henchman at a time. I'm glad that I stuck with the regular edition of the game instead of the so-called "Collector's Edition." I bought the latter originally but felt like a chump the second I got it home. These bonus items (a life size though poorly made Batarang and a "making of" DVD that I would probably never watch) were hardly worth the price of admission. 20 minutes later, I exchanged it for the less expensive version and got 40 bucks back.

Scarecrow apparently took a cue from Freddy Kruger (which makes sense seeing as how both characters use fear as their weapon) and has goddamn syringes on his fingers! As if I didn't have enough issues with needles.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Batman: Arkham Asylum = Greatest Game Ever

That's right. It IS the greatest video game ever. I look forward with great anticipation to games like these. The ones that instill in me a sense of wonder and excitement. That and the ability to unleash holy hell upon my enemies. The last time I fell head over heels in love with a video game was when I played Prototype, and that was months ago. Jeez, where has the time gone?

Possibly a full review later on. My Mom is yelling at me to get going for Rosh Hashanah dinner.

Friday, September 18, 2009

In the meantine, enjoy this.

First post evar!!1

Here we go.

Today, I begin my life as a blogger.
I am running on a breakfast of two cookies and little sleep.

But today is Friday. So I still have time left to put off the work I need to get done.

Stay tuned for interesting or halfway decent updates in the future.